Take a Look at Digipalooza ’23!
What is Digipalooza?
Digipalooza is OverDrive’s international user group conference. With a unique blend of education, networking and fun, this is a can’t-miss event for anyone that works with digital media in their library.
Who should attend this event?
This conference is for public, academic and corporate libraries, partner libraries of OverDrive and users of Libby, the Library reading app and Kanopy, the Library streaming app. Whether you are responsible for your library collection development, front-line support, electronic resources, marketing, training, or administrative decisions, everyone can benefit from the programming and networking at Digipalooza.
- Cleveland, OH, USA ∙ August 12-14, 2025
Did you know? By attending Digipalooza 2025…
you’ll have an opportunity to connect with industry professionals from over 92,000 public libraries, colleges, universities, and corporations across 115 countries worldwide.